The Concierge Model Allows Time to Forge a Partnership

In today’s healthcare system, there is mounting pressure to see more patients in less time, creating an impersonal and rushed environment that often leaves both patient and doctor dissatisfied. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), well over 50% of office visits are significantly less than 15 minutes long. Unfortunately, this is an extremely inadequate amount of time to be able to fully address patients’ needs and concerns. According to a recent study of Florida primary care patients published in the Journal for Healthcare Quality, the top causes for dissatisfaction with primary care providers include wait time (for appointments, for return of phone calls, for test results) and lack of time spent with physician. Nearly 60% of patients surveyed felt that their provider did not spend enough time with them.¹

Furthermore, often patients are not able to see their personal physician when acute need arises, and are forced to go to an urgent care facility. If they can be “squeezed in” for an appointment by their doctor, the visit is typically associated with a long wait time, and is often hurried, short, and incomplete. By limiting patient volume, Dr. Hochman is able to provide comprehensive care with meticulous attention to detail. He is able to fully care for, rather than merely treat, his patients. The Doctor Patient relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding. The Concierge model allows the time necessary to forge a true partnership between Member and Doctor.

¹Michael, M., et al, (2013). Improving Wait Times and Patient Satisfaction in Primary Care. Journal for Healthcare Quality, Vol 35(2), 50-60.